Many times you will write a function and expect a value to be returned - this is called a return value
To have your function return a value you must use the return
keyword in the last line of the body of your function
We use the return
keyword when we want our function to “give us back” a value
You can store the returned value in a variable and use it later in your program
// declare a function called bark
// that *returns* a string respreseting 'woof woof'
function bark() {
return 'woof woof!'
// call the bark function and store result in a variable
const sound = bark()
// print out result to the console
console.log(`a dog makes the following sound ${sound}`)
keyword, a value of undefined
will be returned// declare a function called meow
// that generates a string representing 'meow' but
// does not use the return keyword
function meow() {
// call the meow function and store result in a variable
const sound = meow()
// print out result to the console
console.log(`a cat makes the following sound ${sound}`)
that returns the string mooooooo!
. Next, call the function and store the result into a variable named cowSound