Step 11: Make API Request to OpenWeather

Step 11: Make API Request to OpenWeather

Now it’s time to make an API request from our server to OpenWeather

1. Add the following code to the bottom of index.js

  • Add the following code to the bottom of index.js and replace [YOUR_OPENWEATHER_API_KEY] with your api key from OpenWeather
async function openWeatherApi (query) {
  try {
    const url = ''
    const apiKey = '[YOUR_OPENWEATHER_API_KEY]'

    // make api request using axios
    const response = await axios.get(url, {
      params: {
        appid: apiKey,
        q: query,
        units: 'imperial'

  } catch (e) {
  • Here’s a summary of the code above:

    • We’re going to use async/await to handle our API request to OpenWeather so we’ve prepended async in front of openWeatherApi()

    • openWeatherApi() accepts a query parameter which will represent the city name received from slash command

    • axios is being used to make a get request to the OpenWeather API

    • axios is a “promise-based” http client, which means it will return a promise after it’s done making the request

    • we are using await to halt the execution of the rest of the code in the function until a response is received from OpenWeather

    • Once the response is received, we are returning the object since axios always includes any payload (data information) in a key named data

    • If an error occurs, we are simply logging the error to the console for now

2. Update in index.js

We are going to update the logic in our route handler so it calls the openWeatherApi()

  • Update the route handler to reflect the code below:'/weather', async (req, res) => {
  try {

    // respond with an OK to sender within 3 secs
    // as required by Slack for delayed responses
    // documentation:

    // extract city passed in as a parameter to
    // our slash command (/weather cityName)
    const query = req.body.text

    // making API request via openWeatherApi function
    const response = await openWeatherApi(query)

    // print out OpenWeather API
    // response to the console

    // res.json(data)
  } catch (e) {

3. Try your /weather slash command again

  • Restart your Express server and go back to your development workspace on Slack and try the /weather slash command again (make sure you include a valid city name): /weather brooklyn


  • Go to your command line application and open the tab associated with your Express server

  • Confirm the data from our OpenWeather API request is now being displayed in our server log (via) - the output should look similar to the image below:


  • Nice! We just made a successful API request to OpenWeather