Every week, Raul, our Instructional Assistant will hold office hours on GA’s campus.
Day / Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Location: General Assembly’s campus
Policy: Students have until 3:00 PM ET every Tuesday to sign up for that week’s office hours using this link https://kareemgrant.typeform.com/to/va7rLl.
If no one signs up by the weekly deadline (Tuesday’s 3pm ET), the IA will not hold office hours
We will also be holding remote office hours in addition to the weekly in-person office office detailed above. These office hours will be provided online via a Zoom video call.
The schedule below will be updated weekly.
Day / Time: Saturdays, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM ET
Location: Online via Zoom (link will be provided in Slack prior the start of office hours)
Policy: Students have until 8:00 PM ET every Friday to sign up for that week’s remote office hours using this link https://kareemgrant.typeform.com/to/cNgMnE.
Any changes to this schedule will be communicated ahead of time.