Overview & Requirements


  • Final Projects are a requirement of “course completion”

  • Project should be something that you are passionate about

  • We’ve established some milestones (and due dates) that will help you stay on track to complete your projects on time

    • Each milestone will include a deliverable
  • Instruction team will actively work with you to help you manage scope and come up with a project plan


For the final project, you’ll be designing and building a web application of your choice. This project will test your knowledge of JavaScript and ask you to apply everything you’ve learned in this course. The result will be a web app that you can add to your portfolio.

You could create anything from: a blog users can comment on; an app that allows users to search for social media posts; or a web-based game (memory, tic-tac-toe, etc). Use of an API is optional but highly recommended (because it’s fun!).

I’ll work with you to determine the scope and feasibility of your ideas considering the amount of time remaining in the class and other other factors.

Your final projects must make use of the following:

  • JavaScript

  • Adhere to DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself)

  • Code is properly indented

  • Follow best practices for file/folder structure

Using APIs for your final projects

  • Use of an API is optional

  • Here’s a list of API options and things to consider when using APIs for your projects